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What am I doing?

Machete’s Creations

At age 48 I’m beginning to question, what the hell I’m thinking? My entire life, I’ve followed a path, that at times led me to do what many felt I should do and to be honest, I’ve been very successful at accomplishing their goals. I’ve often dreamt of exploring other careers, and following what I truly felt in my heart. Then a little voice would enter. You know the one. The one that says: Really? Thoughts of how can I possibly make money at this? Are you really smart enough, good enough and oh someone you know is already doing this and it looks really hard? So, I would retreat from the idea and follow the path most expected.

Then things changed. I could say it was when my father passed, but really it took a few years after that. Three and a half years ago, I hit what many would call rock bottom with my health. I hated my body. I hated my weight. I hated me. I was looking back and saying, where did I go wrong. I was 75 pounds overweight. Everything hurt, especially my back and knees. I was “exercising,” kind of, but my nutrition didn’t match my goals. So, insert mid-life crisis at age 45, and enough was enough. At the time many thought I was going to extremes and rather than support me and want to learn more, their first words were “Why would you do that?” The fact was, for the first time, I was doing something for me and not everyone else.

Machete’s Creations started out as a little jewelry business of my Creations. Today, I’m reimagining what that really is and creating a life I’ve always dreamed of. Machete’s Creations is a space where I’m going to share my journey from tiny gymnast and cheerleader to an overweight, low-self esteem adult, and now a woman who has regained her health on the journey to happiness. I don’t have all the answers but I do have a story. I hope you will follow along. My goal is simply to share, inspire and help others create the life they dream.

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