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This is NOT the Time to Give Up!

It’s mid-January and if you go to the gym consistently, you will notice that the

crowds that showed up on January 3rd have somewhat dwindled. This is one of the many

reasons I don’t set resolutions but instead set goals and intentions. Many over the last three weeks have started and stopped at several times. It usually goes like this.

Monday-Gung ho!

One hour workout. Trying to keep up with the person sprinting on the

treadmill. Not enough nutrition but within the plan. Feels like round

four of a Rocky video.

Tuesday-Little Slow but I’m here!

Half hour workout. Pretty sore and breathing hard. Maybe I’ll take it easy

and gently move into it. I will eat better today. Did I drink water


Wednesday-Wow this is the struggle bus, but here we go!

Maybe just do a stretch today. I’ll eat “light” and drink more water. I’m

still on track, right? I can have a small treat, I deserve it.

Thursday-I’m tired. Today will be my rest day.

Stayed up late and had a bigger treat than planned. Maybe I will just

give my body a break today.

Friday-I’m off track and hey it’s Friday. Cheers!

Saturday-Cleaning is work so that counts.

Dinner and Beers? Well, it’s the weekend and weekend calories don’t


Sunday-Well I got way off track and no point in starting something on a

Sunday. Tomorrow is a new week and I’ll start again Monday!

Sound familiar? As I mentioned before, I started my health journey in December 2017, it wasn’t a new year’s resolution and trust me starting in December among all of the things that come with the holidays and living in a ski town made it that more challenging. There were plenty of times in that first month that made me question 1. What the hell I was doing? And 2. Did I really just spend that amount of money trying to do this? I had mornings where the thought of getting out of bed and traveling over the pass to get in a workout was not appealing. I had days where I just wanted to have one of those chewy chocolate cookies being served up and maybe just a little Tom & Jerrys. I would get on the scale and not feel like I was making the progress that I should and thought maybe this was going to be another failed attempt at getting my health back. That was just the first month. The second month came and that’s when I realized that I had stuck with it, and it was now starting to pay off.

There is a saying out there that states: “it takes 21 days to make or break a habit.” I contend it takes 30 days to convince your mind you can do this. In that first 30 days you have every opportunity to quit. Many do. So, what was it that kept me going? While the scale didn’t always reflect the progress I wanted, there was the feeling of waking up in the morning feeling refreshed and rested. It was the feeling in my gut of not being stuffed and cramped but instead nourished. It was the little comments from friends of “wow you look great.” It wasn’t that I suddenly became “skinny,” but I was becoming healthy. In many ways it was me challenging myself to be better. In some ways, yes it takes 21 to make or break a habit but really, it’s up to you.

It’s necessary each day to have a mindset of “I want this, more than I want that.” If you’ve been following me and Machete’s Creations for a while, you know that every morning I have some little inspirational meme or quote to share. Many of you will comment either in agreement or acknowledging that’s what you needed for the day. This is a goal of mine, to inspire others to reach and achieve their health and fitness goals. Selfishly, these tidbits are more for me than anyone else. They are reminders to myself to not give up and to keep the vision of what I want for my future always in front of me. Each morning when I’m scrolling through Pinterest, I think of what I need for the day. To achieve your health and fitness goals you need to eat right, workout and drink your water. More than that, you need to hold your vision of what you want out in front of you.

It’s mid-January and you’re probably contemplating giving up on that plan and “re-working’ what you thought you could do. DON’T! Now is the time to pull out that vision board; to find that inspirational meme; to close your eyes and see your future self. Then get in and get the work done. Your week doesn’t need to be the Groundhog Day illustrated above. Set your meal plan and schedule your workouts. Instead of ending the week with a fizzle and the phrase, “I’ll do better tomorrow,” end it with a bang and maybe that Sunday, rest day is your kick some butt and celebrate day.

Until next time!


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