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When we talk about fitness, the word motivation often comes up. The phrase comes up so often, that it becomes what people say to you when they see you consistently at the gym or in an online class; “You’re so motivated!” The reality is, we aren’t always motivated. There are plenty of days I’m not motivated to go to the gym or wanting to calm my every streaming thought to sit through an hour of yoga, or even to go to work. So, is it motivation, obligation, determination or discipline? The answer is all the above.

When it comes to work, it may be obligation. The fact is, we don’t work , we don’t get paid. But the word obligation doesn’t need to have that negative, “I have to do this” feeling. Obligation can simply be, we have an obligation to honor our commitments to others and ourselves. Yes, I put out funny memes of needing a lot more coffee for this shit, but really my obligation to work is more about following up to what I have set forth for my work, my team and those I serve. It’s the same with fitness. I’m obligated to honor my body. I’m obligated to taking care of both my mental and physical health. I’m obligated to work towards the goals I’ve set for myself.

Determination! Yes, another very popular “Lets Get Fit” word. The definition of determination is:

firmness of purpose; resoluteness. "he advanced with an unflinching determination"

synonyms: resolution · resolve · resoluteness · will power · strength of will ·

Determination for me, is simply not giving up. Have I had setbacks in my health journey? YES. Do I recognize that a setback is not a finality but part of the journey? YES. While the word portrays great strength and triumph over obstacles, it really is the mindset to keep moving forward. Even Cinderella after running away at midnight, losing a shoe and having her carriage turn back into a pumpkin with mice instead of horses, kept moving forward. Determination is looking at that vision board you created and saying, “No matter what, I will succeed.”

Discipline! So, before I go too far, yes you need to have discipline to achieve any goal. The thing is, it doesn’t need to be as rigid as it sounds. Discipline, at times, can simply be laying out that plan and doing what you can, when you can to achieve it. I have and still strive to do at least one workout a day. For a while, in PC (pre-COVID) days, that discipline was waking up at 3:00 a.m. and being at the gym by 5:30 a.m. I was very “disciplined” in this. Today, my discipline may be waking up at 5:00 p.m., having my coffee and flaxseed muffin, getting some work done and then doing a 60-minute yoga routine. It may be doing the above and then late afternoon, doing a 45-minute Beachbody workout. The next day, it may be the 3:00 a.m. wake-up and hit the gym for 45 minutes on the bike or treadmill. The point is, it doesn’t matter how or when, my discipline comes in the form of consistency not in regime.

So, what is my “MOTIVATION?” My motivation is self-love. It is looking in the mirror and knowing how far I’ve come. My motivation is celebrating all the little successes and not letting small hiccups ruin my vision for myself for the future. So next time I share an inspirational or motivational meme, I hope you will look at it and create your motivation within yourself.

Have a great weekend and until next time!


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