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Inspiration, Motivation, Goals. What is the reason you chose your path?

Inspiration, Motivation, Goals, what is the reason, you chose a particular path?

I’m reading a book, okay I’ve started reading a few, but I’m really focused on the book “You are a Badass. How to stop doubting your greatness and start living an awesome life” by Jen Sincero. Some friends were reading it so I thought I’d give it a try. I was reading while on the stationary bike at the gym and she made a statement that really stuck with me and hit home. “This is good because….” She said whenever we are met with something, even a negative, meet with “this is good because.”

Now I’m sure you’re wondering how does this play into my story, and don’t worry it will all tie back together, but bear with me. We all experience our fair share of negatives and challenges on any given day. 2020 and now the more competitive younger sibling, 2021 have had more than most can handle. Recently, we learned my hubby will need to have elbow surgery. This long over due, but it hits right when we felt we were making progress both financially and physically. Add this the over delayed deck project, and a dryer that sounds very angry when we put it to work. The cherry on top is a frustration I have with work. I’ve been non-stop for almost 18 months and at times have felt like I was in a losing battle.

I thought about her question, and here’s what I came up with. This is good because, if I weren’t frustrated with work and its demands, I wouldn’t have taken the leap to pursue what my heart really wants, and I wouldn’t be working towards my dream. Haters will always hate. I’ve come to realize their issues with me are just that, theirs. If it weren’t for me saying ENOUGH!, I would just try to work harder, obtain more certifications, all to prove them wrong and at the end never succeed at changing their minds. So really, I owe them a thank you. Because of them, I’m on a happier path.

Now, how does this tie back to my story? The challenges in confidence, body image, always wanting to be perfect but never really succeeding are all good because they have led me here. They are good because without them, I may never have known the struggle with weight loss. I may never have pushed myself to fully believe in myself. They are good because they made me. I recently posted a meme “Be your own inspiration.” I’ve come to realize that I am my own motivator, inspiration and I set my goals. No matter the good intentions, this can never be done for you.

Next time you’re have a rough day, dealing with angry people or just need a reset, use Jen Sincero’s tip and say to yourself: This is good because….

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