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Happy New Year!

Whew, 2021 is finally over! There’s no guarantee 2022 will be some miraculous awesome year but there is always hope. Each year, I set up my vision board. The vision board helps me set out my goals, dreams and intentions for the coming year. In year’s past, I have sat down and used poster board (8 ½ x 11) and cut out magazine tidbits with pictures or words illustrating these goals. I’ll decorate the board and then hang it where I can see it everyday. The thought is to keep these goals in front of me and to remind me of what I’ve committed to myself.

Back at the end of 2017, by year’s end I was three weeks into my health journey. My body was finally starting to show progress and I realized, I just made it through the holidays with my new plan and remained committed. That vision board was all about losing weight and getting healthy. I hung it up in my closet so I could see it every day. I also set up an empty jar next to a jar filled with marbles. For each pound I lost, I moved a marble over to the empty jar. By year’s end there were 65 marbles in the jar. Visuals are the best way to make your goals, dreams and intentions be active. It’s easy to say, “I want to lose 10 lbs.” or “I want to learn to speak Spanish.” Sure, just saying it puts it out there but when it’s written down and in front of you, you can’t really forget about it and you might be less likely to blow it off. I’ve often considered my vision boards to be my annual contract with myself. Breaching the contract would be letting myself down. I don’t always achieve everything on my board, but I take genuine steps towards those goals.

The pandemic has brought about many changes and that includes this year’s vision board. Yes, I’m still working on my health plan. I have not been lucky enough to skip by the pandemic weight gain and while not anything overly significant, it is a reminder that health and fitness are seven days a week and I need to be sure to schedule my time to meet those goals. I’ve now added business goals (health/fitness coach; The Body Shop Consultant; Jewelry; Blog) and building Machete’s Creations; linguistic goals (Spanish, French and Gaelic); get back to reading more; relearn playing flute; and most of all mental health goals. Setting time each day to turn off the TV, computer, phone and getting back into reading. Mental health is as important as physical health. The pandemic has brought attention to this important issue, and it is something that hits everyone. If you’re struggling, pause, talk to a friend and if needed, step away from what is triggering you.

Another important piece in my vision board, is letting go. I’m watching my mother face the end of her life. She has ALS and it’s a terminal disease that is very cruel. Recently she spent almost a month in the hospital. I’ve gone up a couple of times to see her and will be going up again in a couple of weeks. Watching her go through this and having been there when my dad passed, it brings to light what’s really important. We haven’t always been close but now, more than ever, it is important to let go of any anger, frustration and let go of the past. This has allowed me to take a deep breath and it’s actually allowed us to have the real conversations we should’ve had years ago. For this I’m grateful.

As you start the new year, take time to inventory what’s important and what you really want in life. Write it down, make a poster do whatever you need to do and then take real steps to making them a reality. I’m excited for this new year and wish all of you the very best!



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