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5 Years and the Journey Continues

5 Years and the Journey Continues

Five years ago today, I started my health and fitness journey. Am I there yet? Nope and that’s okay. I’ve been thinking about that moment five years ago when I was on the phone with my friend Shelby talking about ketogenic plans and supplements. I went all in and decided December 4, 2017, was going to be the day. But before I got there, we should revisit where I was….rock bottom.

My first article talks about that rock bottom time. I spent years yoyo dieting, half-ass exercising and getting so far into my head with defeat that I didn’t think I was ever going to get out. My back, joints and mind all hurt. I hated shopping and trying on clothes. I wore anything I could to hide the fact that I was where I was. 5’4” and 185 lbs. I couldn’t believe where I was. The depression was real, and I thought I was doomed to being like my parents.

Prior to 2017, I had been going to the gym with my sweets. I was also partaking in all the food and plenty of beverages. So, I had really never made any progress. The photo I use for my starting point is June 2017. It was my niece’s wedding. She had asked me to do a reading and at the time, I thought I looked quite good. Then I saw the photo and broke down in tears. This was as low as I could get, and I decided it was time for a change. In comes a 30+ year friend and her new plan. It became a life saver. It sounded crazy. Give up grains (breads, pasta). Give up processed foods (everything quick, easy and in a box). Give up all sugar (WHAAAAA?). And NO alcohol….for a while. Food prepping and strict portions with these supplements. Sure the kickoff of the holiday season is the perfect time to do this……said no one ever.

Fast forward to today. I stopped the supplement program about six months in, but the food became the way I eat and I never call it a diet. It is my health plan and how I feed my body with nourishment, not junk. My exercise is a must, every day. Even if I do nothing more than stretch and meditate. I noted that I’m not at my goal. I came very close in 2019 to my goal but just out of reach. Picture two is from my very first 5k. The Wonder Woman 5k in Denver. I had never been a runner and now I seek out simple little 5k’s for fun.

Then COVID. I initially lost 65 lbs. This in itself has been a huge accomplishment. Despite setting up a home gym and never changing my nutrition, I did have a 5-10 lb. weight gain. That being said, I did yoga almost daily. Thank you, Jamie! I also joined BODi. Thank you, Heather. These two opportunities and virtual 5ks became my normal. Last year, we rejoined the recreation center and this year we are getting back into a regular groove. I started 2022, with huge goals. I’m working toward my personal trainer’s certification. I’m stronger than I’ve ever been, and I thought for sure I would reach that goal weight and be ready to start coaching real time. Thank you, Jen, for willing to be my student despite not yet having that certification done. 2022 proved to be a lot harder than planned when my mom passed away in February. Turns out when you become an orphan, clean out your family home, try to travel with friends, enjoy concerts and work while maintaining a calorie deficient lifestyle…oh and hitting pre-menopause, your body says, enough.

In October, randomly, I gained 10 lbs. in one week. I’ve been researching and learning that while my plan is good, it’s important to not remain in constant calorie deficiency. Also, for women, beginning menopause, means things slow…dramatically. This has required me to re-evaluate my strategy. I’m not going to lie; it has taken a toll on me mentally. I get frustrated and think, this worked before, why not now. As with anything, I’m learning to keep learning and evolving. Insert picture three. This is me today…literally. I’m not at my goal weight, but I am happy. I’m happy that this summer, I learned to paddle board. This fall, I overcame a lot to hike a 14,000 ft. peak (article coming soon.) I’m happy beyond words with the support of My Sweets/My Rock. I have amazing friends that I’ve reconnected with (Georgiana, Sonia, Jenny). I have amazing friends here in the mountains. Most of I’m happy that despite all that we’ve gone through in the last year, I have my brother and his family, and my life is full.

Five years on, I’m a work in progress. Learning every day and working towards becoming a health and fitness coach. I remind myself that the goal isn’t a destination. It’s a journey and a feeling. It’s overcoming what I once thought would never happen. It’s taking a leap of faith in myself and knowing I will land firmly where I’m meant to be.

Thank you for continuing to follow my journey. I have so much more to share, and your support means everything to me. Have a great holiday season and remember to get out, play and be you!



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